July 2, 2018

Market Review Video – 07.02.18

In this Traders Support Club review video I look at some the simple technical considerations that can be used after the recent big drop we have saw in both the US, Europe and Asian markets. Although since filming this video review I have seen the US indices stabilise close to the daily and weekly trend line, it may not be the end of this initial  downward move.

I really enjoy doing any form of Traders Support Club review of the markets, either here or in the Live Online Trading Room, as it helps put the hype we have seen into perspective and what I try and show you is how I would combine some simple technical analysis tools including a simple lower high analysis method to help establish decision making points for both the medium and log term.

Please note I am not making form of recommendations, just simply reviewing the current situation and I hope  you find this Traders Support Club review video useful.

Safe Trading

Alright… Not one of the most exciting subjects we have ever covered, but definitely one of the MOST important.

Risk management is something so many traders “think” they have locked down, but actually what they are doing is taking themselves down a road of no return.

Both for them and their account balance.

And what’s worse…

There is a group that simply overlooks risk altogether, or takes some one-time advice that is usually completely inappropriate for them and the way they trade!

So how do you make sure you not only know what to do when it comes to risk management, but you ACTUALLY do it?

First Off…Know Your Numbers

Yes, it’s a small bit of maths, but knowing the simple multiples can save your account balance!

Let’s say you are risking 10% of your cash pot per trade.

But that only requires a 5 trade-losing run to be the best part of 50% down overall.

Oh well, I still have half my money.

Hang on!

You now need a 100% return on that balance JUST to get back to where you were 5 short trades ago.

Let that sink in for a second…

Ali Crooks

Professional Trader, Trading Coach & Authorised Money Manager of London & Eastern LLP (FCA ref 534484)

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