October 28, 2016

Your Trading & Wealth Creation Goals

Why I Believe You Should Be Reviewing 2016 And Planning 2017 Now!

This is something I have done for the last few years and I have seen more progress in nearly all areas of my life since adopting this concept.

Now I am not suggesting that by setting your goals in the New Year, or at New Years Eve means you won’t achieve them, or that all successful people do exactly what I am suggesting here. However, if you are setting goals and not achieving them, there is nothing lost in implementing this concept.

Here are the main reasons why I have adopted this concept.

By honestly and truthfully reviewing in September and October, what you set out to achieve for the current year, you still have one quarter left to tweak your behaviors and actions as well as double efforts to get closer, or at best achieve the intended results by the time the year ends.

By December most people schedules change and become busier with work, social and family commitments, so by getting ahead now you can also make a start on your 2017 goals and aspirations. The two words I believe are the most important in goal achievement (rather than goal setting) are “traction” and “momentum”. If you are able to get good traction and momentum before the end of the year, on something you want to achieve for the following year, that traction and momentum is likely to push you harder, and get you back going far quicker after the Christmas break. Health and fitness, along with wealth creation, being good examples.

Most people set the goal of getting fit straight after their biggest binge of the year. To me that doesn’t make sense! Why would you start training at the gym at the exact time so many others decide to do the same and the gym is completely over run?

Chances are you have spent some of summer enjoying yourself, going on holiday or at least enjoying some of the weather. To me it makes more sense to start training in September and not waiting till 2017.  The weather in the UK is still just about OK, evenings are still light (for exercise and getting fresh air) and gyms are not as busy as in January. So by the time Christmas comes you are already in a routine, you have traction, your health and fitness has improved and it means that if you let your diet go at Christmas, the exercise routine might off set the dietary excesses which means you lose less traction.

The exact same approach could be deployed if you are behind on your goals for trading and wealth creation!

All of the people I coach, both in trading, in business and in wealth creation are looking to achieve something only the minority of people achieve. I am regularly asked what can I do to be in the top percentage, with questions like “How do I become financially free from my job?” There is no one set of answers that are the same for each person but I always answer with the broad reply “Just start by doing the opposite of the majority!”

Lastly I don’t see other wealthy friends cutting back in Jan. For them and me January is the start of celebrations, in the form of skiing and snow boarding. We are going on adventures and enjoying ourselves. Now I know not all wealthy and successful people ski, or are interesting in skiing, and just like that skiing may not interest you, but that’s not the point here. The point is that for many of the successful people I know, January is a time of year to look forward to, fun is being had and it’s not a case of “I should” be going to the gym” or “I should sort my finances out which if soften the case for the majority.

I still work hard in January; I am still focused on my goals however for me it’s not a month of self denial! Why, because it’s cold grey and wet in the UK, I want to build on the traction I had in the last quarter of the previous year and on a personal level…..the mountains are calling! 😉

Alright… Not one of the most exciting subjects we have ever covered, but definitely one of the MOST important.

Risk management is something so many traders “think” they have locked down, but actually what they are doing is taking themselves down a road of no return.

Both for them and their account balance.

And what’s worse…

There is a group that simply overlooks risk altogether, or takes some one-time advice that is usually completely inappropriate for them and the way they trade!

So how do you make sure you not only know what to do when it comes to risk management, but you ACTUALLY do it?

First Off…Know Your Numbers

Yes, it’s a small bit of maths, but knowing the simple multiples can save your account balance!

Let’s say you are risking 10% of your cash pot per trade.

But that only requires a 5 trade-losing run to be the best part of 50% down overall.

Oh well, I still have half my money.

Hang on!

You now need a 100% return on that balance JUST to get back to where you were 5 short trades ago.

Let that sink in for a second…

Ali Crooks

Professional Trader, Trading Coach & Authorised Money Manager of London & Eastern LLP (FCA ref 534484)

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