Kris Friend

FX & Commodities

About The Trader

Name: Kris Friend
Queensland, Australia
Trading Status:
Full-Time Trader
Markets Traded:
US Stocks, US Indices, and Forex (primarily major pairs)
Program Joined:
Traders Support Club
Best Performing Month and Year:
Month - 8% ROI, Year - 61% ROI

Before Joining Trader Support Club

Kris thought the technical concepts of trading would be the elements that would hold him back because, like many traders, he would achieve a few winning trades and then not be able to maintain that consistency.

Kris struggled at first to understand that there will always be times were multiple winning trades just don't happen, regardless of how good you are.

He thought he had the technical element ALL wrong

After Joining Trader Support Club

Ali and the team helped Kris understand what his emotional triggers were to prevent this inconsistency from happening.

Despite needing to work on technical analysis to some extent, Kris was able to build his trading mindset so that he wouldn’t be affected by previous trades and would be able to detach himself from the results.

After learning how to trade with TSC, Kris was able to live in Sao Paulo Brazil whilst his partner pursued her passion of teaching inner-city children. They’re now based in Queensland where they’re living ‘the down-to-earth high life’, adapting Kris’ trading to fit.

“From knowing nothing and starting at the most beginner stage I am now trading full time and I am very happy with my career direction as I have a lot of support through the club.”
Kris Friend

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