Peter Neophytou

FX & Commodities

About The Trader

Name: Peter Neophytou
Trading Status:
Part-Time Trader
Markets Traded:
Forex, Commodities, and Global Indices
Best Performing Month and Year: Month - 13% ROI in swing trading, Current year - 26% ROI in day trading

Before Joining Trader Support Club

Peter wasn’t enjoying his job – or the company of his boss! – so was longing to find success in trading.

After Joining Trader Support Club

With our guidance and support, Peter found a renewed sense of purpose. The Live Online Trading Room became his virtual classroom, giving him invaluable insights and feedback on his trades, without having to go anywhere.

Through consistent effort and mentorship, Peter transitioned from being a mechanical trader to a confident day trader, learning to manage risk and overcome challenges along the way.

"I would highly recommend TSC to anyone who is seeking to become a trader or existing traders who want to become even stronger and more disciplined traders.”
Peter Neophytou

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